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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Lack of Trust Hurting Greek Economy

While Greece’s financial stability is the most obvious and immediate concern, confidence—or a lack thereof—is a major issue and a growing part of the equation as the rest of the world’s leaders circle the wagons in an effort to rescue this tiny country.

Last week, Finnish lawmakers approved a second loan package for Greece, and it appears the EU is very close to approving a package as well.

While these bailouts can grant Greece a temporary reprieve, there is an omnipresent feeling of uneasiness lingering in the background.

What are the financial backers, particularly the troika in charge of the bailout (the European Commission, European Central Bank, and IMF), so nervous about? Frankly, they just don’t trust Greece.

This skepticism is understandable. Think about it: We’re all tired of workmen who do not show up when they said they will; the car repair bill that is higher than promised; the boss who promises a wage increase that isn’t forthcoming.

The Greek bailout is really the same old business problem played out on a much bigger stage—one that has far greater consequences if promises are not kept and expectations go unfulfilled.

In a recent New York Times article, a European diplomat expressed this distrustful sentiment saying, “It is increasingly understood that Greece is a very unique case.

It’s not holding up to its commitments. In Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy things are not rosy, but they are in a different class.”

In fact, in a conversation that was accidentally broadcast by a television microphone, the German finance minister told his counterpart from Portugal that if they needed to ease its bailout terms, “we would be ready to do it.”

Despite experiencing a very similar economic slump, when Greece presented its economic plans, they were not met with the same helpful attitude that Portugal received—their plans were met with doubt and uncertainty.

There are a number of issues that have contributed and exacerbated the levels of distrust. For instance, Greece, with the help of Goldman Sachs, concealed the state of their finances for over a decade until they ran into this major debt crisis.

Because they failed to disclose the extent of their financial problems, the EU and other players in the global credit market are extremely reluctant to cooperate or put faith in the representations made by the Greek leadership.

A November 2011 Gallop Survey found that the Greek population’s confidence in their national government had declined to an all time low of 18%, down over 30% from 2005. Greek citizens’ confidence in their financial institutions also fell starkly.

Reports estimate that Greek citizens have pulled about forty billion euros out of domestic banks over the last two years because they do not have confidence in the long-term security of their financial system.

What needs to be understood is that it does not matter what reforms are passed, how watchful the EU commissioners become, or whether Greece will be required to submit daily, weekly, or monthly reports about their budget.

If the leadership in Athens cannot reestablish trust with the citizenry and develop open and honest communication amongst themselves, their constituents, and the individual leaders of the financial institutions involved, the agreements they make will not even be worth the paper they are written on.

To restore trust, Greek leaders will need to take a number of confidence-building measures. Forming a governing coalition between the major parties that are committed to implementing the debt agreement over a period of years is a good first step to move Greece forward.

Just as the coalition governed the UK during World War II, the Greek political leaders need to unify and share the burden of governing the nation through the crisis.

Additionally, reforming the tax code to make it more equitable and modernizing the tax collection system would demonstrate good faith and could increase government revenues through voluntary compliance.

As the second bailout comes to fruition, the cards are in the hands of Greece’s top political leaders to seize the opportunity.

While it is absolutely necessary to have specific plans and regulations in place to help get the economy back on track, it is only one piece of the solution.

The real challenge for Greek leaders is to restore moral values and increase the credibility of their decision making so that they can rebuild trust at the top, at an individual level, both internationally and at home.

They will need to change their behavior, take positive action immediately, and convey personal accountability to their constituency and their financial rescuers.

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