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Monday, March 21, 2011

International Reviewers Few Non-Bank Structured Credit Disclosures

Countries still seem to differ in terms of whether they apply the same structured credit risk exposure rules to banks and to other types of financial institutions, according to officials at the Financial Stability Board (FSB).

The Group of 20 (G20) developed countries set up the FSB, Basel, Switzerland, to help develop strategies for increasing the stability of the world financial system.

The FSB prepared a new report to find out how well individual countries have been implementing structured credit risk disclosure recommendations made by an affiliate, the Financial Stability Forum.

Some countries have emphasized applying the disclosure rules to banks, and other countries have applied the same rules to banks, broker-dealers and insurance companies, officials say.

Overall, “jurisdictions reported relatively few non-bank institutions as making disclosures about exposures to structured credit products,” officials say.

FSB researchers found that member jurisdictions reported only 7 insurance companies and 4 securities firms as having made disclosures about exposures to structured credit products, compared to 90 banks and other credit institutions.

But most bank and insurance supervisors in FSB member jurisdictions now require companies to provide more information about securitization, off-balance sheet activities, and subprime risk exposures in regulatory reports, officials say.

FSB officials note that companies could use the same information to adopt Financial Stability Forum public risk disclosure recommendations.


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